Wednesday 17 June 2015

Wi-Fi Controlled Surveillance Robot using Raspberry Pi

Surveillance robot have become popular in the recent years and making our own indoor based surveillance robot is a cool stuff, isn’t it? This post demonstrates my first surveillance robot project. It is a android smartphone controlled robot on which I have used Raspberry Pi to set up Linux based wireless interfacing system and PIC micro-controller to drive the robot. It is a 4WD system in which the motors (12V DC Motor) takes the control from the micro-controller through our most familiar motor driver L293D which delivers sufficient power for low torque DC motors. The video streaming and the mobility control is done with the help of the Android smartphone application. The basic block diagram of the overall system is given below
The IP address of the Raspberry Pi hub and its ports along with the resolution of the video are defined while starting the android application.

The bottom left window of the application is used to navigate the robot with the help of video stream and the bottom right window is used to move the camera using Pan/Tilt system to have better viewing experience.

1 comment:

  1. Good application :). I'm doing the same project but I have a probleme to video viewing in the adroid application. Such that using google chrome the streaming is OK. Need for Help Please
